
Russia • 1874−1939

Biography and information

Ivan Fedorovich Shulttse (October 21, 1874, St. Petersburg - 1939, Nice) - Russian painter, landscape painter, who painted pictures in the style of realism. For his amazing works, filled with bright rays of the sun, the artist Ivan Shultze was awarded the title of "wizard of light" from the critics. Pupil Kryzhitsky and Kuindzhi.

Features creativity Ivan Shulttse: possessing an incredible ability to depict the light of the moon and sun on canvas in a realistic way, the painter created truly masterpiece canvases. Looking at his paintings, it is difficult to believe that it is painted with a brush and paints: Schultz’s landscapes look more like photos, slightly processed in a graphic editor. The works of this genius of a lyrical landscape are filled with a tender love for nature and romanticism. The admirers of Schultze’s talent, in addition to collectors and art lovers from the middle class, were members of the royal family, as well as jeweler Carl Faberge. In the 30s of the last century, many European artists copied the style of Schultz, imitating him, or even completely copying his paintings.

Famous paintings of the artist Schultze: "Ski", "Sea", "In the power of winter", "Nice on a moonlit night"," Pavlovsk "," Parthenon after the storm "," Evening on Capri ","Summer day, “Spring in the Alps”, “Sunset on the Adriatic Sea”, “Garden in Nice”, “Faraglioni Rocks”.

Pictures of Schultze: beauty captured on canvas

The childhood and youth of the future artist were held in St. Petersburg. Ivan dreamed of devoting himself to engineering: the young man was drawn to the mysterious power of electricity, his ability to create light. Years of study as an engineer were not in vain: Ivan Schultze reflected on the possibility of building a hydroelectric station on the Imatra Falls, and he planned to use the resulting electricity to illuminate houses and streets. By the way, the power plant on the waterfall was built in 1920, but without the participation of Schultze.

Information about how and when Ivan began to draw, no. His first works are studies that he showed to the famous Russian landscape painter Konstantin Kryzhitsky. Schultz was then over thirty. What he saw so struck Kryzhitsky that he immediately offered Ivan to study painting. He agreed: Kryzhitsky was a member of the Academy of Arts, whose studies were considered prestigious and promising.

Schultz's paintings, written during the period of study, are inherent in the style of the Swiss master of painting. Alexandra Calama. Ivan liked the landscapes of Kalam and he honed his skills by imitating this artist. This is noticeable even on the canvases depicting the Arctic landscapes - Schultz wrote them during an expedition to the island of Spitsbergen, going there in 1910 at the invitation of Kryzhitsky.

Next was the recognition of the public, numerous exhibitions, popularity. Schultz began to actively buy canvases, his landscapes made in the form of open letters were in special demand. After the revolution of the 17th year, the artist for some time could not decide on future plans, until in 1921 he left for Europe. There, Schultze was waiting for success: at exhibitions, his light-filled, incredibly realistic paintings were bought up almost instantly, the newspapers were delighted with the talent of the painter. In 1927, works by Ivan Schultz crossed the English Channel to appear before the English public, and in 1928, the inhabitants of America received the opportunity to see the magical landscapes of Schultz.

The further life of this amazing artist is shrouded in mystery: it is only known that Schultz left for Nice around the mid-30s. There he is buried, and on a stone gravestone the 1939th year is indicated as the year of his death.

Today, Schultz’s works adorn the halls of such museums as the Museum of Fine Arts (Montreal), the St. Petersburg Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic, the Museum of Art (Indianapolis), the Hillwood Museum (Washington), the Dagestan Museum of Fine Arts, etc.