Ivan's Childhood
The film Ivan’s childhood showed the Soviet audience the war in a new way — how it affected a 12-year-old child, depriving him of his family, childhood and, eventually, life. Trapped in its cycle, a smiling boy, Ivan, turned into an avenger, obsessed with hatred and blood. He became a monster, according to Jean-Paul Sartre.
Sometimes critics noted the similarity of Ivan with the youth from Vision to the Youth Bartholomew by Mikhail Nesterov.
Dürer himself created this series at the time of disturbing attitudes in society, caused by rumors about the end of the world which spread across Europe. Tarkovsky chose the climax of engraving series for his movie. Its dynamics and tensions are attuned to the dynamics of the frames of the movie. The film is subordinated to the monochrome of the work: the black-and-white gamma made sensations of war, anxiety and tension more real.

For the wounded psyche of Ivan, there was no other reality except war. And the engravings of Dürer, he took so definitely:
-Are these the Germans?
-Yes, it’s an old engraving!
-They are Fritzes all the same!
After the horsemen, there is the Portrait of Ulrich Varnbüler in the album, whom Lieutenant Galtsev described as "either a German doctor or writer" and that made Ivan protest: "They have no writers!" And then — the engraving Knight, Death and the Devil.
Andrei Rublev (the Passion according to Andrei)
The interest of Andrei Tarkovsky for the Russian icon was reflected in the epic film Andrei Rublev. Andrei Arsenyevich said:"The artist exists because the world is not perfect."

The works by Rublev, the middle part: the Archangel Michael, the Mother of God, Christ Enthroned in Glory, Saint John the Baptist, the Archangel Gabriel
In the epilogue of black-and-white film, the soft contours of the faces and the bright colors of the icons and frescoes drawn by Andrei Rublev appeared: Lord’s Entry into Jerusalem, Christ Enthroned in Glory, Transfiguration, Christmas. And, finally, the Trinity — Andrei's masterpiece.
Indeed, in Christian tradition, the icon of the Trinity was seen as a window into the heavenly world that the painter can see with his spiritual sight.
The Christ Pantocrator ended the movie episode with the sounds of thunder roll.
This episode was depicted by Lev Anninsky: "There is a direct, working artistic result of the film about Rublev: the light stroke at the end, a terrible and cleansing takeoff, rocket up, output to the Sun — stroke of colours and sense. It is perceived as a miracle for it was then, that the miracle is not "born from" and "followed", but blew up, blinded, and Tarkovsky needed a long catacomb pre-life where people dipped each other into the mud."
In his films, Andrei Arsenyevich tried to avoid the method of living pictures and used the allegorical connections of painting and film.According to the memoirs of the painter Mikhail Romadin, for the film Solaris Andrei "has suggested to create the atmosphere, like the painting of the early Italian Renaissance by Vittore Carpaccio. In the picture, there is a promenade of Venice, the ships, and a lot of people in the foreground. But the most important thing is that all the characters were immersed inside themselves, they did not look, neither at each other nor at the landscape , and they did not interact with each other." Probably it was about the painting Arrival of the English Ambassadors.

For this, the method of removal was used, when Chris, saying goodbye to the Earth, he was sitting in the rain and didn’t react to it in any way.
"…a long iron soulless corridor to the railway station, in the depth of it appears the figure of St. Sebastian with a painting by Antonello da Messina, in the background the carpets hang, as in the painting, the arrows are flying, the image is destroying".
And the beautiful allegory of this nostalgic memories became the work of a genius master Pieter Brueghel the Elder, namely the painting Hunters in the snow. This is the image of a distant house and dream-memories of the native planet, about her winter holidays, home comfort, about his childhood.
Another painter, whose work helps us to realize the idea of Director is Rembrandt van Rijn.
At the end of the film there is an obvious allusion to the famous painting The Return Of The Prodigal Son.
Many critics were arguing about how to interpret this picture, and the most probable version is this one:
apparently, Rembrandt depicted himself in an image of a prodigal son, and the Self-portrait itself was previously called The Adventures Of The Prodigal Son (or Prodigal Son In The Tavern).

Not accidentally, the protagonist takes a reproduction of the Rublev’s Trinity to the station.
In all senses.
Mirror is a very personal, and that’s why complex and important film for Tarkovsky. This film, or rather-confession (one of the original titles of the film), created from the memories, dreams, feelings of filmmaker connected with the closest people. The movie is laced with the aesthetics of his favorite artist and spiritual teacher — Leonardo da Vinci. Twice in the film an old folio with the works of the great painter appeared.
The folio contains such works by Leonardo as Beautiful Ferronera, The sketch for the Virgin and Child with St Anne, The Virgin and Child with St Anne, The Adoration of the Magi, Mona Lisa and others.

Because originally he conceived the film as mother confession, who was made to respond to son’s questioning.
Tarkovsky’s sister, Marina, said: "We think that with all Andrei’s love for mother, and his mature feeling of quilt about her, he continued to grow with constant resistance to the rules of life, as they were firmly articulated by mother. That resistance later turned into a desire to return to the childhood, to comprehend the essence of mother’s love, and was reflected in the Mirror."
In the Mirror there are cross-cutting images from previous films. As in Solaris, the childhood is again presented using the Bruegel atmosphere. The scene with the boy on the snowy hill and his pose and the scenery remind the Hunters in the Snow.
The Assistant of Director Maria Chugunova told that Andrei Arsenyevich did not like when it was too beautiful. "There was kind of absolutely Savrasov’s approach of the father to Peredelkin. If someone said: "Oh, how beautiful!" - he just cut it off."

The Mirror has a "picturesque" reference to another film called Andrei Rublev. The image of The Trinity appears in the frame again.
In Andrei Rublev, Tarkovsky showed the passion of the great painter, but in the Mirror he showed his ownpassion. In such a way he hoped to to get rid of painful memories of the past.
In his last Russian film, Tarkovsky returns to the Trinity again. Only this time it is not picturesque but presented in the images of the main characters. And there is no Rublev’s harmony of unity, but on the contrary, the Trinity devoured with discord.
The colours appear only on the territory of the Zone, but it also keeps the traces of the "disaster". The Director again focuses on the theme of the Apocalypse, but now he is also trying to find salvation from it. The dream of Stalker during his halt hints about it.

During the long span of the camera above the water, immediately after the narrator read the lines from the book of Revelation a fragment of the Ghent altarpiece by Jan van Eyck depicting John the Baptist appeared.
The whacky guide to the Zone, like John the Baptist, is the guide to the Light (Salvation), who is trying to assure Writer and Professor that it exists. He and his picturesque character became the mediator between God and man.
"The Humanity trapped itself, but there is a need to have faith that it will be possible to find the way out."
However, there are many images of John the Baptist in the world, but for Tarkovsky it is always a human who is important. So he selects the work by the artist of Renaissance period, when Europe changed it orientations in the direction of anthropocentrism. Painting by Jan van Eyck was able to combine the love to man and to God.
To find the model for new foreign film, Tarkovsky, travelled to Italy with a screenwriter Tonino Guerra. So, along the way, the documentary Voyage in Time was created.The Director was confident that a strong sense of nostalgia is inherent to all Russian people who are far from home. Throughout the beautiful and infinitely beloved Italy Tarkovsky searched that metaphysical beauty that lies behind the simplicity of Russian nature.
During the trip, many icons and frescoes suggested to Director were rejected. The film includes only the Madonna del Parto painted by Piero della Francesca.

"Madonna del Parto. They filmed The Pregnant Madonna by Pierro Della Francesca in Monterchi. None of the reproductions is able to convey its beauty. The cemetery on the border of Tuscany and Umbria. When people wanted to move Madonna to the museum, the local women began to protest and defend it."
Gradually, the painting gains its religious significance and deep religious meaning. The fresco is partly tied to Eugenia who wants to have a baby, but it primarily refers to Gorchakov. There is a hint at the beginning of the film. While shooting a close-up of the face of the Madonna camera sharply jumps on the face of Andrei, although picturesque canvas and hero are in different places.
This technique is called "space substitution".
"There will be life, and the God will be born and the faith will reborn"
The Art Historian Francis Furtaj
The last film by Andrei Tarkovsky immediately starts with a painting The adoration of the Magi by Leonardo da Vinci. The Magi arrived to Mary with a child, to worship the newborn and to give him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. The entire spiritual meaning of the movie will develop from this painting.
First, the camera focuses on the moment where one of the Magi kneels and gives a baby a Golden Cup, heralding his anguish and redemption.
The Adoration of the Magi by Leonardo, as if continues the theme started in Stalker, where John the Baptist predicts the appearance of the Messiah. In Nostalgia Madonna expects of the birth, and finally, in Sacrifice the Savior is born and receives the gifts from the Magi.

In addition to the spiritual, the picture carries the storyline of the film. It’s as if particular fragments develop into independent film plot. The tree in the picture, above the head of Mary with the infant, and the tree, planted by Alexander with his son. The gifts of the Magi to the newly-born Christ and gifts to Alexander on the occasion of his birthday…
First, the camera shows only part of the picture with a dynamic group of people behind Mary with the child. Their faces expressed surprise, some even horror caused by unbelievable events. Otto said about the painting: "God, what a terrible one! I’ve always been very afraid of Leonardo". And in the next scene we see the same terrified people listening to the fateful broadcast.

In the film, the hero was looking at the presented album iconography with admiration and regret: "What wisdom and spirituality, and the pure innocence. It’s like a prayer. And everything is lost! Lost! Now we no longer know how to pray"
Never made movies
The director remained a lot of unfulfilled plans, but we can assume that they also included the variety of picturesque paintings.The script of the film Light Wind written by Tarkovsky together with Friedrich Gorenstein is preserved. It was based on the novel written by science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev which is called Ariel. At the very beginning, during the scene of a confession made by novice father Gregorius, two engravings of Raphael are mentioned.
Andrei Tarkovsky is also known as a fan of Dostoevsky’s works, he even wanted to make a film about the life of the writer, as well as to adapt the novel The Idiot. In his Martyrology Tarkovsky shares his ideas about the script adaptation, but the desire to implement them constantly faced with obstacles and criticism. But there’s a ready-made picturesque canvas The Body of the Dead Christ by the greatest master Hans Holbein the Younger.
The Painting by Andrei Tarkovsky
Tarkovsky not only passionately loved painting, masterfully used it in his movies, but he himself studied art in his childhood and skillfully painted.The Artist of Space project in the Russian Museum provided an opportunity to get acquainted with paintings and drawings by the Director
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