Homage to Blériot

Robert Delaunay • Painting, 1914, 250×251 cm
Digital copy: 1.4 MB
1587 × 1600 px • JPEG
35.3 × 35.4 cm • 114 dpi
26.9 × 27.1 cm • 150 dpi
13.4 × 13.5 cm • 300 dpi
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About the artwork
Art form: Painting
Style of art: Abstractionism, Orfizm
Technique: Oil, Tempera
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 1914
Size: 250×251 cm
Artwork in collection: Smart and Beautiful Natalya Kandaurova
Artwork in selections: 16 selections
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Description of the artwork «Homage to Blériot»

Picture "In honour of Bleriot" dedicated to the French Aviator Louis Bleriot – the first man, peresechen in 1909 through the air channel.

By 1914, Robert Delaunay has set up its own variation on the theme cubismorphismor simultanism. In this style and paint a picture. Just as the Cubists dismantled female body, the flowers and flute on the primary form, and then linked them in your own order format, "I see," Robert Delaunay acted the same way with light, decomposing it on the spectrum and coupling in sequence, creating a feeling of movement of color masses. As the main tool of the image in orphism used concentric circles of contrasting colors. Arfistka paintings at first glance may seem to be a frozen pattern of kaleidoscope – this is true in relation to "Honoring Bleriot".

Robert Delaunay is considered one of the forerunners of abstract art. Although in this case the image only at first sight can be called abstract, but if you look closely, it becomes immediately noticeable for its relative the figurative: we quite clearly identify the screw and wings of the helicopter to the left and to the right of the human figure. The fact is that the pointlessness, and the emotional impact were not the main objectives of the artist. Its task Robert Delaunay was to make color the main artistic technique, the purpose and meaning of painting. He said that to him to the color have been treated as an "way to paint".

The plot of this film certainly carries the trail futurism with his interest in the car and movement. Not without a "darling" of Robert Delaunay in the right background the Eiffel tower, which is always recognizable in his paintings, written in any style. Besides, Louis Berlio, a Frenchman, and with a tower as the symbol of France is that the croissant could compete.

The color solution in simultaneous paintings capture their expressiveness, and the internal speaker is transmitted through the neighbourhood contrasting combinations. Particularly strong in this respect, Delaunay believed the door blue and red. This combination produced the effect he called "punch". In the painting "In honor of the Bleriot" this is just one of primary colour contrasts, around which is built the whole image.

The name "orphism", this Apollinaire invented by Robert Delaunay direction, clearly tells about the "sonority" of the paintings. "In honor of the Bleriot" is a perfect demonstration of this sonority. The picture is festive and joyful, it is about achievement, and divergent concentric disks spread like the hum of an airplane, the wind and the cheers of spectators who witnessed the historic flight.

Author: Alain Esaulova