Ivanovich Ovchinnikov

Russia • 1911−1978

Biography and information

Born on July 14, 1911goda in Saratov.

В1931году Vladimir Ovchinnikov graduated from Saratov art College, studied with Peter Utkin.

In the years 1932-1937 has worked in the private Studio of Vasily Savinsky, then at the Leningrad Institute of improvement of professional skill of workers of arts Pavel Naumov, Alexander Karev, and Rudolf Frentz.

Participant of exhibitions since 1950.

Member of the Leningrad Union of artists с1953.

He painted landscapes, genre paintings, still lifes, portraits, sketches from life.

Personal exhibition in Leningrad (1984).

Childhood and adolescence Ovchinnikov took place on the Volga, in Saratov. He was born into a peasant family and childhood experiences filled him with love for the land of the Volga and people. From 1928 to 1931 he studied at the Saratov art College of the P. S. Utkin, the lessons which the artist vspomnil with gratitude. After finishing it, Ovchinnikov travels along the Volga, doing a lot of full-scale drawings and sketches. In 1931 the artist moved to Leningrad, but the Volga remains the main source of inspiration of the painter, here he validates her artistic pursuits. In 1932. entered the Academy of fine arts. However, after completing the first course, he was forced to leave teaching. He works as a graphic designer in various institutions of Leningrad, but despite everyday prepjatstvijami for independent creative work. Ovchinnikov engaged in the private Studio of the artist V. E. Savinsky, and then at the Leningrad Institute of advanced training of employees of arts, where he taught P. S. Naumov, A. E. Karev, M. D. Bernstein, A. S. Gushchin and others.

During the Second world war Ovchinnikov began working at the Leningrad branch of TASS on the design of "Agitation". In 1942 absolutely sick, he was taken from the siege of the city in Saratov. After recovery Ovchinnikov graduated from the military school to the end of the war is in the armed forces. After returning to Leningrad, the artist again worked hard. By this time many sketches, written in Leningrad and its suburbs (Priozersk, Komarovo, Levashovo, Mullapalli).

From the 1950s come first notable successes RABOTNIKOV starting to appear at the Leningrad exhibitions. The artist works on large landscapes-paintings. After showing the paintings "On the Volga" (1953.) he was accepted as a member of the Leningrad Union of artists.

Working hard and productively, Ovchinnikov takes part in all exhibitions in Leningrad, his landscapes demonstrate at the Republican and all-Union exhibitions.

Works in the state Russian Museum, state Tretyakov gallery, in art museums and private collections in Russia and abroad.