Nikolaevna Donic

Russia • Moscow • born in 1972 • artist

Biography and information

Diploma work in a WAH - sketches of scenery and costumes for the Opera Century-A. Mozart's "the Magic flute", estimation - excellent. The training took place at the Department of painting, qualified as an artist of the theater.

In 1997 graduated from St. Petersburg Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named. I. E. Repin (Department of scenography, workshop of E. S. Kochergina).

Worked in the cinema, on such projects as "the leading car!" (dir. A. Herman), series "Dry and wet (dir. N. Fomenko), "Russian ark" (dir. A. Sokurov).

In the animated movie: "the adventures Alenushka and Jeremy" (dir. Yu GITIS), "kin-DZA-DZA" (dir. G. Danelia), "Belka and Strelka star dogs (dir. S. Ushakov)...