Italian Renaissance 1470 - 1600

Exhibition April 19, 2020 − April 25, 2021
At the exhibition "Italian Renaissance 1470 - 1600"works written in the Republic of Venice and its northern territories predominate - at a time when she was at the peak of her commercial and artistic prowess.

In the sixteenth century, a new generation of artists revolutionized Venetian painting, adopting rich, vibrant colors, softer strokes and showing a keen interest in the effects of light. The master of this excellent Venetian style of painting was Titian, who is represented at this exhibition by allegorical, religious and mythological paintings.
Andrea del Sarto. Evaported
1520, 67×88 cm
Jacopo da Ponte Bassano. L'adoration des mages
L'adoration des mages
1540-е , 183×235 cm
Digital copy
Lorenzo Loto. Vierge et enfant avec des saints
Vierge et enfant avec des saints
Digital copy
Titian Vecelli. Venus Anadiomena
Venus Anadiomena
1520, 75.8×57.6 cm
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Giorgione. Portrait d'archer
Portrait d'archer
1500-е , 53.5×41.5 cm
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Jacopo (Robusti) Tintoretto. La position du Christ dans la tombe
La position du Christ dans la tombe
1550-е , 164×127.5 cm
Digital copy
All artworks at the exhibition

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