Young Tintoretto

Exhibition September 7, 2018 − January 6, 2019
Exhibition "Young Tintoretto" dedicated to the celebrations of the 500th anniversary of the birth of "the most Venetian" of the Venetian artists - a painter of the XVI century Jacopo Robusti nicknamed Tintoretto. In the halls of the Gallery of the Academy collected about 60 works of the first decade of his career.

The chronology begins in 1538, when the independent work of Jacopo Robusti was documented in the Church of St. Jeremiah, then proceeds to 1548, the date of the resounding success of his first public work, “The Miracle of a Slave” and traces the path followed by Tintoretto, updating Venice’s painting in the era big change.

In parallel with the exhibition “Young Tintoretto”, the first retrospective in 80 years in Venice is held “Tintoretto. 1519 - 1594. It takes the Doge's Palace on St. Mark's Square.