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Top 10 paintings of cheerful bustle: let's go Christmas shopping!

Top 10 paintings of cheerful bustle: let's go Christmas shopping!
The New Year is almost here, and the city becomes like a huge New Year’s fair. "Discounts! Sale!" shop windows shout decorated with bright lights and elegant Christmas trees, and caught up by the whirlwind of universal excitement, we hurry to buy gifts for Christmas and New Year in any financial scenario. We invite you to go to the New Year’s hit-trip with the artists of yesterday and today. The most interesting stories from the life of the customers. Come on!
Looking at this picture we recall the image of Cinderella`s bossy stepmother and the imperious phrase of Faina Ranevska, "Follow me, my babies!" The mama just can’t stop, and though she is followed by a mountain of gifts, the list is far from made! Her child is terrified, they must have been circling around the shops for more than an hour. A hilarious scene!

This painting is by Joseph Christian Leyendecker, one of the preeminent American illustrators. He studied at The Académie Julian (a private art school in Paris), where he became acquainted with the works of Toulouse-Lautrec and Alphonse Mucha. Impressed by their mastery, he chose once and for all the poster
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Alphonse Mucha... Their posters are world-famous. What factors led to the emergence of such a special genre? We talk about the origins, development, features of this art form and show the works by different artists. Read more
genre and created a lot of popular advertising posters.
One of these posters was made specially for Christmas for the "Kuppenheimer" company. At the very be

One of these posters was made specially for Christmas for the "Kuppenheimer" company. At the very beginning of his career Leyendecker created a very successful promotional image for the "Arrow Collar" company. This handsome and elegant man is so attractive! But keep in mind that it was the artist`s lover, Charles Beach, who was a model for Leyendecker here.

No, it’s not Gandalf, though looks like him. Norman Rockwell, an idol of the Americans, created not only the beloved image of Santa Claus, but became a "writer" of American life. In his paintings there is always fantasy intertwined with observation, sense of humour, with some boyish insolence. Here is his fun series of Santa`s daily life. Are you still complaining about the hardships of shopping?
This painting "Father Christmas On A Bicycle" we would attribute to the British artist even not knowing his name (keep patience, we`ll tell you everything!). After all, can one get mistaken about this gentleman with a pipe in his mouth calmly riding a bike?
The author is Tony Todd, a popular English illustrator. Christmas theme has brought him huge success as many of his paintings have been used for Christmas greeting cards. Moreover, in 2007 Todd was commissioned a large watercolor in honor of the 60th anniversary of the royal couple`s wedding, the golden wedding of the Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. What else can an artist living in the UK desire for his career?!
Top 10 paintings of cheerful bustle: let's go Christmas shopping!
Top 10 paintings of cheerful bustle: let's go Christmas shopping!
Top 10 paintings of cheerful bustle: let's go Christmas shopping!
Top 10 paintings of cheerful bustle: let's go Christmas shopping!
Top 10 paintings of cheerful bustle: let's go Christmas shopping!
Top 10 paintings of cheerful bustle: let's go Christmas shopping!
Winter holidays have become a favorite subject for Dutch graphic Anton Pieck (1895−1987). It is curious that he had a twin brother, Henri, who was also an artist. Anton Peak has lived 92 years, he has been teaching at the College of Art for 40 years and painted old Holland in the romantic style all his life. Busy streets with energetic, funny and provocative citizens inhabit his paintings together with the Gothics, that was so familiar to him. Cathedrals, bridges and cobblestone roads are sinking in gray shades, but the main action, so colorful and joyful, is found in the foreground. Buy a Christmas tree!
Anton Pieck. In the sleigh
1960-th , 30×26.5 cm
Anton Pieck. Trading day
Anton Pieck. City scenes. Winter area
1960-th , 28×43 cm
Top 10 paintings of cheerful bustle: let's go Christmas shopping!
Anton Pieck. In the sleigh
1960-th , 30×26.5 cm
Anton Pieck. Trading day
Now let`s go shopping in Paris! The most romantic city became inexhaustible source of inspiration for Christa Kieffer. On the threshold of every new year, the American artist goes to her favorite city. And although Paris has its magic and charm today, Christa depicts Parisians of late XIX — early XX century. "Ahh, the Christmas market is not the same!" - she sighs, perhaps, depicting the glorious past.

Holiday bustle in Paris from a bird’s-eye view! Japanese artist Hiro Yamagata loves not only to paint the holidays, but he also arranges them on his canvases. The riot of colors totally turnes around!
Hiro Yamagata is known all over the world thanks to his laser and hologram shows. The best known shows are the illumination for the 100th anniversary of the Eiffel Tower in 1988, a laser show for the Academy Awards Governor’s Ball at the Oscars in 1997, and the laser installation on the Neva River to the 300th anniversary of St-Petersburgh in 2003. The artist, who is also a physicist, lives in Malibu, where he has his own experimental laboratory. But he has a particular relevance to Paris — Yamagata studied art for several years here, his Parisian paintings are associated with the fairy tale. Let`s admire the shopwindows!
Another work is by a contemporary artist, an American Jack Sorenson. In the picture the grandfather-cowboy asks his grandson what gift he wants for Christmas. The answer is obvious: the horse, of course!

Sorenson grew up in the Old West of America. He was deeply embedded with a love for the stories and imagery that characterized the Old West and which continues to motivate him to this day. Before becoming an artist, he worked as a horse trainer and even as a performance gunfighter. But it’s in the past — Sorens' paintings with his cowboys and thoroughbreds grace the covers of the most popular US men’s magazines today (West horsemen, The Cattleman etc.). The Americans adore him: the top of the Palo Duro Canyon, which the artist often depicts in his works, was named in his honor.
High-speed gifts' delivery, needless to say!
Top 10 paintings of cheerful bustle: let's go Christmas shopping!
Top 10 paintings of cheerful bustle: let's go Christmas shopping!
Top 10 paintings of cheerful bustle: let's go Christmas shopping!
Top 10 paintings of cheerful bustle: let's go Christmas shopping!
Top 10 paintings of cheerful bustle: let's go Christmas shopping!
Top 10 paintings of cheerful bustle: let's go Christmas shopping!
Finally, everything is bought, happy customers are going home. Tired but happy, they are carrying Christmas trees, bags, boxes in their arms … all tied with colored ribbons and bows … Meanwhile, in a toys' shop …
Tired Salesgirl on Christmas Eve. Funny and not sad at all. A picture like this could be painted only by the roughnecked artist, our mischievous friend Norman Rockwell. Taking a closer look to the salesgirl we realize that she is ready to burst out laughing imagining how she looks like. Now she’ll pull herself together, run home to wish her family a Merry Christmas and give gifts, like in another painting by Rockwell, "Merry Christmas, Grandma!"
Recommended artworks:
Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna Kvitchenko. Napa Valley, California
Napa Valley, California
2023, 90×60 cm
Olga Shatskaya. In the pond at the old estate
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In the pond at the old estate
September 2023, 90×50 cm
Natalia Priputnikova. Taiga
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2023, 60×50 cm
Natalia Priputnikova. Deer
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2024, 60×50 cm
Olga Shatskaya. Indian ringed parrot
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Indian ringed parrot
2025, 40×40 cm
Here our art shopping ends, although a real one is just beginning for many of us. The most important

Here our art shopping ends, although a real one is just beginning for many of us. The most important in these enjoyable worries is to follow one rule: to stop in time, otherwise you can become a Rockwell or Leyendecker’s hero or heroine!

How badly one just want to dream a little more, to make wishes in advance, to gain strength before the holidays and calmly wait for the New Year, Santa Claus, or simply an ordinary miracle.

Have a good shopping and happy holidays!