"Large bathers" one of the most neoimpressionists Renoir. It can be include in quiz "Identify impressionist painter" and expect a meeting right here and it will fail. Perhaps, only the profile of Alin, Chariho, wife of Renoir (she is beautiful as always, splashing in the river with a scythe, in the lower right corner), you can suspect here that artist, who ten years ago made a revolution in painting and wrote the sun's glare on the figures of people
dancing at the Moulin de La Galette.
Renoir was involved in the impressionist exhibitions, he travels to travel. Algeria, Italy, Algeria again – Renoir urgently need to where
Delacroix found sultry color
languid female body and the glare of the sun, and where for several centuries the artists of all Europe at any age and with any stock vanity retrain to write again.
Journey to Italy is definitely the artist to change. Perhaps that is why some of the painters of Renoir's friends preferred not to travel far from their village homes, and even in Paris were rare. In order not to lose own style. But Renoir has already close to impressionism and closely in France, it's 40 years old and he needs to decide where to go and if he really loves Alin, Chariho enough to marry. And for this he decides to go as far as possible.
"Large bathers" - a sign of new life. Auguste now takes two colours, ochre and cobalt blue does not go into the open air, carefully writes the glossy surface of the bodies and hones drawing, gladly closing the exact contours. Once
Degas said about Renoir:
"He writes with balls of wool!" Now it's different, it's like he writes melted wax, which then freezes in unnatural gestures of the figures. The artist works on this painting for three years. None of the canvas, either before or after he won't devote so much time and will not create as many preparatory sketches. And Yes, it turns out that he really loves Alin (
Renoir would later call this period "acidic" and sensitive critics come up with the name
"andrewski". Some more experiments with classicism and Renoir will be reborn in a completely new artist. He's not one of those who are afraid of influences. Soon he will go to Spain to watch
Velasquez and then to the Netherlands to get acquainted with