Gavrilovich Dorokhov

Russia • 1906−1960

Biography and information

Painter. Graduated from Moscow. The vkhutein (1930), a disciple of P. Pavlinov, A. Shevchenko and D. Shterenberg. Lived and worked in Moscow. Participant of exhibitions since 1933. Portraits ("Dishwasher", 1930; "Pasha", 1935; "self-Portrait", 1937; "the Writer L. M. Leonov, 1939; "the fisherwoman of the black sea", 1950"), battle and genre scenes ("defense of Leningrad", 1943; "Landing assault ships", 1945; "At the gate", 1947, "They fought for the Motherland", 1949; "the farm market", 1959), landscapes ("Spring has come", 1946; "the Golden sunset", 1951; "Moscow. University", 1953; "First snow. Leningrad", 1956) and other works.

The son of a famous photographer Smolensk. Initial art education has received in Smolensk, in the Studio of the proletcult from Vladimir Shtraniha , N. Yablonski, B. Rybchenkov. On the Komsomol in 1923, continued his education in Moscow in VHUTEINe. In the 30-ies became famous of his works,particularly female portraits: "Parachutist", "Tusovka", "Korean", "Five", "Alex Chan". "Nenets girl with a book" was preobretu the State Tretyakov gallery. During the great Patriotic war Dorokhov - frontline artist. On many fronts and directions were created hundreds of graphic works. In the postwar period, the artist is drawn to different works reflects the military theme, and the peaceful weekdays ( "Alarm"," Friends ", " work "," At the gate " ). the artist repeatedly in the 50-ies. came home, maintained a creative relationship with the Smolensk Union of artists. After the death Dorokhova widow and son of the artist gave the Smolensk Museum over 300 works, genres, works in the field of landscape, portrait, still life. In the thematic works is reflected military themes , and peaceful everyday life ("Alarm","Friends","work","At the gate"). The artist repeatedly in the 50-ies, came home ,maintained a creative relationship with the Smolensk Union of artists. After the death Dorokhova, widow and son of the artist gave the Smolensk Museum more than 300 works.